Sunday Brunch:
Who doesn’t love brunch with the girls? No one…? That’s what I thought. On Sunday, a group of my old nursing friends met for brunch. If you’re a nurse, I know what you’re thinking… , how did all 4 of us end up free on the same day? Our thoughts exactly. Well somehow we all were able to make it.
Navy Fringe Dress
The Cozy Cottage on Tennyson Street in Denver has THE BEST patio. Being a warm day, I wore this light navy fringe dress to meet up with the ladies. It’s super easy to wear, comfy and has definitely nailed the tassel trend! I’m a big fan of your basic LBD, but I am a sucker for fun and bright prints, especially for a summer dress such as this one. It looks great with some neutral accessories like these comfy and easy to walk in block heels (which are under $25!) and this tote handbag (which is not too big will hold all my stuff plus all the extra junk my husband wants me to carry for him).
Thoughts from the day:
After we ate, we thought we would just walk down Tennyson for a bit. We were stopped by an old man with a walker who had just pulled his truck onto the sidewalk and needed help getting his groceries into their home. His wife (who also had a walker) was already making her way up the 7 or 8 steps to their front door. We spent about 20 minutes helping them into their home and unloading their groceries in the kitchen. When we walked into their house and noticed their bed had been moved to the main level. The house was messy and had stuff piled everywhere with only enough room to get their walkers through.
Being the nurses that we all are, we were concerned for the safety of this couple and had talked about calling the adult protective services to do a welfare check on them. After talking about it a little longer, my friend referenced a book she was reading called Being Mortal: Illness, Medicine and What Matters in the End. It got us all thinking about what we would want when we are old.
What do you think?
The decision was made not to notify anyone on the basis that what this couple had would be what we would want when we are old. They take care of each other, help each other out and get through whatever it takes to live independently. Yes, it may be harder and take longer for them to go about daily activities, but they were doing it! They had just got home from the store where the were able to purchase all their own food and prepare it, dress themselves, get up the few stairs to their home, and were mentally capable to manage any medications they may have been taking. What else did they need? Thoughts?
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- Tote Handbag
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